Making a complaint
- how to complain (should you need to)
One Financial Solutions is an appointed representative of 2plan wealth management Ltd. 2plan wealth management Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. It is entered on the Financial Services Register ( under reference 461598.
Making Your Complaint
One Financial Solutions always aims to provide the highest possible service to its customers. However, there may unfortunately be occasions when a customer has cause to complain. When this happens it is important to us that complaints are resolved quickly and to your satisfaction. As One Financial Solutions is an authorised representative of 2plan wealth management Ltd, all complaints should be directed to 2plan. This leafiet explains 2plan’s procedure for dealing with complaints
How We Will Deal With Your Complaint
2plan are required by the FCA to have appropriate procedures for dealing with complaints.
If there is any aspect of our service about which you are unhappy, then you should contact our compliance team directly, either by telephone or in writing. The members of the team are fully trained to deal with any problems you may have quickly and efficiently.
Most problems can be usually resolved either the same day or on the day following receipt. Some complaints may however, due to their complexity, take more time to investigate. Where this is the case the following process will be followed:
- We will send you a written acknowledgement of your complaint within five business days of receipt of your
- You will be provided with a copy of this guide together with the name and job title of the person dealing with your
- We may be able to resolve your complaint based on the information you provide and that which is available to us from our own
- It may be necessary, that we may have to ask you for more information to enable us to handle your complaint If this is the case, we will do so in writing.
When we have decided on our response to your complaint we will write to you. This letter is called our Final Response Letter. This letter will convey to you the results of our investigation and our final decision. Where we accept your complaint and consider it appropriate to do so, we will set out what redress, if any, we are prepared to offer. If we decide not to accept the complaint, we will explain fully and clearly our reasons for doing so.
If your complaint has still not been resolved within eight weeks of receipt we will send you:
- A letter explaining why we have not resolved your complaint, our reasons for delay and indicating when a Final Response Letter can be expected from us, and
- Details of your right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service
Contacting us
If you wish to make a compliant or have any questions regarding this guide, please contact us by writing to:
The Compliance Department
2plan wealth management Ltd
3rd Floor, Bridgewater Place
Water Lane
LS11 5BZ
or by calling 0113 302 1360
9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday
For your protection calls may be recorded Or by emailing:
Taking your Complaint Further
2plan wealth management Ltd is a member of the Financial Ombudsman Service. The Ombudsman provides a free and unbiased assessment of complaints referred to it. If, when you have received our Final Response Letter, you remain dissatisfied, you have the right to refer your complaint to the Ombudsman.
You may also refer your complaint to the Ombudsman if you have not received a Final Response Letter within eight weeks of us receiving your compliant.
We will send you a copy of the Financial Ombudsman Service explanatory leafiet, either with our Final Response letter or if we are unable to resolve your complaint earlier, by the end of the eighth week following the receipt of your complaint. You may ask us at any time, to send a copy of Financial Ombudsman Service explanatory leafiet to you.
If you would like the Financial Ombudsman Service to look into your complaint, then you must contact them within six months of the date of our Final response letter to you.
Should the Ombudsman be unable to resolve your complaint, you can then refer this for civil action through the UK legal system.
Contacting the Financial Ombudsman
If you wish to contact the Financial Ombudsman you can write to them at:
Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
Harbour Exchange Square
E14 9SR
or by calling: 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9123
Or by contacting their website on
One Financial Solutions is here to help you.
We advise on a wide range of financial services including protection for both you and your business, general and business insurance, savings and investments, commercial finance, pensions and auto enrolment, employee benefits, profit extraction and mortgages: our aim being to provide you with ‘one solution’ for all your financial needs.
We provide truly independent financial advice, sourced from the whole of the financial marketplace, for individuals and commercial businesses throughout the United Kingdom.
Please call us on 020 3714 9565 for a confidential conversation about how we can help you, or visit our website at for more information.
One Financial Solutions is an Appointed Representative of 2plan wealth management Ltd, which is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. One Financial Solutions is entered on the FCA register ( uk) under reference number 607130. Registered office: Chapter House, 33 London Road, Reigate, Surrey RH2 9HZ. Registered in England and Wales, company registration number: 08141263